dew drops

This is me, my views and my life.
My story is not mine, so is the plot.
But come with me and take the plunge,
Swim in the ocean of life.
Make some ripples throughout eternity
And praise Him again and again for this wonderful opportunity!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

be still

- a beautiful song...

be still and know that He is God. BE STILL and wait for His salvation.

Still by Hillsong

Hide me now, under Your wings.
Cover me within Your mighty hand.

When the oceans rise
and thunders roar.
I will soar with You, above the storm
Father You are king over the flood,
I will be still and know You are God.

Find rest my soul in Christ alone,
Know his power, in quiteness and trust.

When the oceans rise
and thunders roar.
I will soar with You, above the storm
Father You are king over the flood,
I will be still and know You are God.

Find rest my soul in Christ alone,
Know his power, in quiteness and trust.

When the oceans rise
and thunders roar.
I will soar with You, above the storm
Father You are king over the flood,
I will be still and know You are God.

When the oceans rise
and thunders roar.
I will soar with You, above the storm
Father You are king over the flood,
I will be still and know You are God.


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