dew drops

This is me, my views and my life.
My story is not mine, so is the plot.
But come with me and take the plunge,
Swim in the ocean of life.
Make some ripples throughout eternity
And praise Him again and again for this wonderful opportunity!

Monday, July 23, 2007

will wait upon Thee

a lot of things has happened

and i don't know where to start

all i can say is that in all this world, whatever i have done for myself is but nothing when it comes to your terms Lord... what is the point of dying beautifully when this body rots eventually and returns to dust? what is the point of making riches the end of all my efforts?

indeed, it has come into one purpose... that all existence is for Your glory... nothing else makes perfect sense...

people try to claim that you don't exist... all i see in them is fear or struggle or suffering that they don't even acknowledge... they can't accept You Lord because of who you are and who they are... and for them You are a difficulty... but oh Lord I hope they see you Lord as a Savior and I hope they realize what they are here for and who you really are before it is all too late...


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