dew drops

This is me, my views and my life.
My story is not mine, so is the plot.
But come with me and take the plunge,
Swim in the ocean of life.
Make some ripples throughout eternity
And praise Him again and again for this wonderful opportunity!

Sunday, April 15, 2007


Need to remind myself every now and then that my Lord has been back on His throne since two thousand years ago, watching over us and preparing rooms in His Father's House/Mansion for those who are saved...

And that my problems no matter how puny or how big, they all stand like nothing before Him. All authority has been set before Him... There is none that is impossible for Him to do. And His ways are indeed waaaaay higher than mine and so are His thoughts so I will wait for Him until He reveals His salvation to me.

Christians are not spared from problems and sufferings, but the One we have enables us to face them properly, teaching us how to live and eventually be victors like how Jesus won over death! No I will try my best not be dissuaded with false teachings and false hope. I know what I believe in and I have to remind myself daily who I am and where my home really is.

I am very imperfect still... A long way to go, and even if I am quite impatient, my Lord my God is very patient with me and eventually I will become more like Him... My God will definitely finish the work He started in me... I have to wait. It is tough but I really have to wait.

I don't want to wake up one day wondering what I have to do next or where to go next. I have to remind.... remind myself what I am here for and who I am in this world. a foreigner.


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